Thursday 11 October 2018



What are fake news?
Is a type of yellow journalism or propaganda that consists of deliberate disinformation spread via traditional print and broadcast news media or online social media. But,why do the people do this?


 In the first photo I played with the DoF (Depth of Field), because I wanted to give importance to her face; the face expression, the position the clothes. She's trying to look like a badass girl so I chose a grey background to make the contrast between her skin and the background to give her importance.

In this one I used the shutter speed, as you can see, she is in movement, but everything is focused, frozen and clear. I was inspirated in the famous Beatles photo and I tried to transmit happiness.

Monday 8 October 2018


The lettering has been very important because it is very related with the attraction of imagine a product. Because of this it has been very important in advertising and marketing.
We were asked to take some pictures in the street with different letterings like; logos, book titles... I took photos of these book covers.
  I liked this lettering because usually in the books the lettering is the same and the covers are boring, but in this one it looks like it's painted with a brush, and I thought that it was different and interesting. I think that the relation between the lettering and the story is that the love is very sudden and they have to make relationship strong and indelible like a painting.
 I chose this cover because I've never been able to write well in capital letters and I liked this type of capital letters althought that is very simple. I don't know the meaning of the lettering because I have not read the book but I think that fits very well with the cover.
I don't know why but I have always loved this type of lettering: courier. I have always put this type of letter in my texts in the computer. It also reminds me the writing machine and I love vintage objects.

Monday 1 October 2018



Nowadays, the mass media is very expanded. Every person in the world uses it and with technology it has developed a lot.

First lets define the mass media: is a diversified collection of media technologies that reach a large audience via mass communication: newspaper, magazine, television, radio... I think that today the most diversified media is the internet. 

In my life I use a lot of different types of mass media like: newspaper. At home we receive the "Goiena" newspaper. Is a local newspaper from my valley "Debagoiena". Is not a big newspaper like "El País" but it has his things.
We also watch the TV at home. Usually the Basque channel "EiTB: Euskal Irrati Telebista". It was created in 1982. It's with the government, so the ideology is similar to it.
We always listen to the radio at home. We usually hear to the basque radio "Euskadi 1" or the music radio "Eitb Musika". They are part of "Eitb" so is with the government. 


The T-shirt design: I did this design with Nahia.


We were asked to do a presentation, with 20 slides 20 second each, about a city in Europe. I chose Copenhagen. I think that it's an ama...